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Web Apps Don’t Work: Why Mobile Apps Are the Key to Success

Why Mobile Apps for Fan Engagement? Fans demand a seamless and interactive experience that keeps them engaged and connected to their favourite brands. Unfortunately, fan engagement web apps have proven to be inadequate in meeting these expectations. Native mobile apps, on the other hand, provide a robust solution for brands looking to maximise fan engagement.

Why Web Apps Fail to Deliver

Web apps have several limitations when compared to native mobile apps, which contribute to their inability to drive fan engagement:
  1. Lack of quality and brand investment: Web apps are often perceived as low-quality products, which can reflect poorly on the brand. Investing in a native mobile app demonstrates a brand’s commitment to providing a high-quality experience for its fans.
  2. Limited access to phone features: Web apps are unable to leverage the full potential of smartphone features, such as push notifications, camera integration, and offline access, which can greatly enhance the user experience.
  3. Perceived value and usability: Native mobile apps offer a more immersive and intuitive experience compared to web apps, providing a sense of value that web apps simply cannot match.

The Power of Native Mobile Apps

Top social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, have recognised the importance of native mobile apps in driving user engagement. According to Statista, over 90% of daily active users on these platforms access them through their mobile apps rather than web apps. This overwhelming preference for native mobile apps can be attributed to their superior quality, usability, and “feel”.

Furthermore, major social networks invest heavily in their native mobile apps, reinforcing their perceived value and importance. For example, Facebook spent over $3 billion on mobile app development in 2020 alone.

Web Apps

Millennials, a highly sought-after demographic, are particularly engaged with mobile apps, as 21% of them open an app more than 50 times per day. In general, 49% of people open an app 11 or more times each day, reflecting the ubiquity of mobile app usage. In fact, 70% of all US digital media time is spent using mobile apps. The average smartphone owner utilizes 10 apps per day and 30 apps each month, demonstrating the significant role mobile apps play in daily activities.

Do’s for Effective Fan Engagement

  1. Do create valuable content: Focus on producing high-quality, original content that resonates with your fans. This could include behind-the-scenes stories, interviews, and insights that fans cannot find elsewhere.

  2. Do interact with fans: Engage with your fans by responding to their comments, questions, and messages. Regular interaction helps build a sense of community and shows that you value their input.

  3. Do promote user-generated content: Encourage your fans to share their own content and experiences related to your brand. Showcasing fan-created content demonstrates appreciation and fosters a sense of collaboration within the community.

  4. Do reward loyalty: Offer exclusive perks, discounts, or experiences to your most dedicated fans. This not only rewards their loyalty but also encourages others to engage more with your brand.

  5. Do analyse fan behaviour: Regularly analyse data on fan engagement to better understand their preferences, needs, and behaviour. Use this information to inform your content strategy and make data-driven decisions to improve engagement.

Don’ts for Effective Fan Engagement

  1. Don’t ignore negative feedback: Address negative feedback or criticism professionally and constructively. Ignoring or responding aggressively to criticism can damage your brand’s reputation and alienate fans.

  2. Don’t spam your audience: Avoid overwhelming your fans with excessive notifications or irrelevant content. Strive to find the right balance between keeping fans informed and respecting their time.

  3. Don’t rely solely on automated engagement: While automation tools can be helpful in managing your fan engagement efforts, they should not replace genuine, human interaction. Fans value authentic connections with brands, which cannot be replicated by automation.

  4. Don’t focus solely on selling: While monetising your fan engagement efforts is important, avoid making every interaction about sales. Instead, provide value to your fans through engaging content and experiences that foster a deeper connection with your brand.

  5. Don’t disregard accessibility: Ensure your content and engagement efforts are accessible to all fans, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. This includes providing alternative text for images, captions for videos, and considering colour contrast in your design.